January 15, 2025

Ligi Ndogo

Ligi Ndogo

Name Ligi Ndogo

Contact: 0720681831


Located at : Ligi Ndogo grounds along Ngong Road next to the RFUEA Rugby grounds

Ligi Ndogo

Ligi Ndogo is a soccer academy that was launched in 2002 with the view of creating an enabling environment for young people to nurture their soccer skills outside a normal learning curriculum. The academy caters for youths across various age groups and social-economic divide having different teams in each age category at the various centers.  Here, children are taught aspects such as soccer skills, discipline, team spirit, leadership and responsibility hence resulting to a well-horned individual.

Unlike other soccer academies, Ligi Ndogo is structured as a soccer league holding regular matches and training sessions within its 3 seasons per year i.e. (JAN-APR), (MAY-AUG), (SEP-DEC). From an early age of 4 years, one can register their child at the soccer academy where they undergo training on selected days each week. Upon registration, players are categorized based on their age. Atoms (4-6 years), Juniors (7-9 years), Lower Mids (10-12), Upper Mids (13-14 years), and seniors (15-17years). From the categories, players are further assigned to teams that train once a week either Friday or Thursday (4:30p.m-6:20p.m), and play their league matches every Saturday.

Currently, Ligi Ndogo has four centers namely: The main center is located on the Ligi Ndogo grounds along Ngong Road next to the RFUEA Rugby grounds. Ligi Ndogo also hosts the senior Ligi Ndogo S.C that participates in the national league. Enrollment to the soccer academy is through subscription through the offices at LIgi Ndogo Grounds, Ngong Road.

How to join Ligi Ndogo